Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So even though we don't get to do any of the fun stuff first, a girl can dream way in advance right? This is the first time I have gotten to take complete control of decorating a whole house. I'm so use to living in an apartment where you can paint, if anything, just one wall and put holes in the walls only if you are willing to putty them before you leave. The thought of getting my hands on a whole house is a little overwhelming. I started googling other kitchens and living rooms to see if I could streamline my ideas or at least my likes. Here is what I've found so far that I like:

I love this look for our 2 freestanding walls in the kitchen. I can just picture a white farm table with yellow painted chairs.

And I've been dreaming about these yellow cabinet knobs ever since I first found this picture. I think they would be a great accent with the yellow chairs. I'm also obsessed with this celery/lime green color. When we registered for our wedding, I registered for a yellow and green kitchen that I felt existed in my future.

The living room I'm drawing a blank on. In the picture below I love the coffee table and the number 2 throw pillow, but I feel like the beige walls don't have enough "spice" for me. I do like the contrasting dark brown wall in the second picture below though. I'm worried about making our house a box of Skittles by painting every room a different color.

What I have discovered through all of this is that I am obsessed with Country Living magazine and can't wait to get my first month's subscription in the mail!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! How similar we are! I'm trying to get my mom to give up 2 rustic yellow chairs.... but I need the cute table for them to go with.
